Three-Toed Box Turtle

Scientific name

Terrapene mexicana triunguis

about the species

The three-toed box turtle is Missouri’s state reptile! These box turtles prefer woodland habitats, where they can find worms, insects, plants, and mushrooms to eat. In the winter, when temperatures drop and food is scarce, these turtles brumate (go dormant) under leaf litter and soil. In the spring and early summer, turtles lay clutches of 3-8 eggs, which hatch in August and September. Look for these turtles in woodlands and forest edges, but leave them where you find them! Box turtles are wild animals and do not make good pets. Vehicles are also a major threat to these turtles. Thousands of box turtles are killed on Missouri roads each year, so keep your eyes on the road and watch out for turtle crossings!

conservation status

Declining in Missouri

How we’re Studying this species

We are tracking many box turtles in Forest Park using small radio-tracking tags attached to the turtle's shell. These tags emit a unique radio frequency that we can use to periodically locate the turtles. We are also collecting data on turtle health, including body weight, body condition, blood samples, and tick load. Read more about box turtle tracking and hands-on experiences for local students!

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