Great Blue Heron

Scientific name

Ardea herodias

about the species

The most common heron native to North America and the only one found year-round in Missouri, the Great Blue Heron is also the largest species of heron in Forest Park. With a max length of around 4.5 feet and a wingspan reaching over 6.5 feet, the Great Blue Heron only weighs up to 6 pounds due to its hollow bones. This species is largely piscivorous- a diet of fish, reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates and other birds puts them near the top of the food chain. Predators mostly leave them alone, but birds of prey, bears and raccoons have been known to go for young. Great Blue Heron can also be especially long lived, some reaching over 20 years old.

conservation status

Least concern. Common in Missouri.

How we’re studying this species

In Forest Park, you can find Great Blue Heron along any shoreline any time of the year. They are currently being observed alongside other waterbirds as a part of our waterbird community ecology project. In the future, we plan to tag and track individuals using GPS technology.

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